Musica Mundi and the Musica Mundi School
thank their Partners and Private Patrons (in alphabetical order)
Mr and Mrs Dan Arnet
Baron & Baronne Luc Bertrand
Mrs Evelyne Bruckner
Mrs Lilliane Ceraulo
Mrs Sylvia Chiche
Mrs Bernard Darty
Mr Jan Dams
Mrs Brigitte de Laubarede
Mr and Mrs de Saint Rapt
Mr Christian Demaret
Mr and Mrs Thierry de Rudder
Mr and Mrs Paul De Winter
Mr and Mrs Pierre Elkiner
Mr and Mrs Henri Fischgrund
Mrs Isabella Gabrielli
Mr and Mrs Solange & André Goldwasser
Mr and Mrs Arnold Grossmann
Mr. And Mrs. Hourtoulle
Mr. Eddy Hassid
Mrs Raya Kalenova - Woitchik
Mr and Mrs Erol Kandiyoti
Mr and Mrs Adnan Kandiyoti
Mr and Mrs Michel Kandiyoti
Mrs Clara Kriwin
Mr Robert Levy
Mr and Mrs Alexandre Lipski
Mr John Martin
Mrs Jessica Parser & Mr François Gerard
Mr and Mrs Gérard Philippson
Mr and Mrs Alain Philippson
Mrs Decia Ruspoli
Mr and Mrs Henri Servais
Mrs. Sara Shochet
Mrs Christine Swenden
Mr and Mrs van der Straten Ponthoz
Mr Robert Taub
Mr Jean Van der Linden
Mrs Verhaeghe de Naeyer
Mr and Mrs Fred Yoo
Martin’s Hotels
The National Lottery
La Province du Brabant Wallon
La Commune de Waterloo
Delen Private Bank
Stichting IMGO
Robus Foundation
Axis Parc Fund
Alphadyne Foundation
Fonds 6-24
Goldwasser Foundation
SRL C.S.T. Avocats
Aureus Ars & Scientia
Fondation Henri Servais
Nickedo Foundation
Fondation de Bienfaisance
Piano’s Maene
Fondation Yves Vander Cruysen
IMOF Trust
Anade Foundation
Rotary Bruxelles Atomium
Rideau Service
Friends / Private Patrons / Godparents
Mrs Dominique Amiel
Mr and Mrs Yves Amiel
Mr and Mrs Alain Amiel
Mr and Mrs Jacques Appelstein
Mr and Mrs Henri Appelstein
Mr and Mrs Auriel - Helwin
Mrs Suzanne Baetzner
Mr and Mrs Michel Beser
Mr and Mrs Blondin
Mrs Béatrice Boels - Defize
Mr Pierre Boonen
Mrs Ingrid Bryssinck
Baronne Buysse
Mr and Mrs Olivier Chapelle
Mr and Mrs Claude Bontinck
Mrs. Dominique Bron
Mr Georges Caballe Munille
Mr and Mrs Chabanski
Mrs Dominiuqe Chalude
Mrs Michel Coryn
Mrs Gisele Croes
Mr and Mrs Croufer
Mr and Mrs Dénis Dalibot
Mr and Mrs Deguelder - von Lennep
Mrs Monique Defoin
Mr and Mrs Jacques Delori
Mr and Mrs De Raeymaeker
Mr. And Mrs Hélène Deslauriers and Giorgio Monaco Sorge
Mr and Mrs Gui Detrilles
Prince and Princesse Amaury de Merode
Mrs de Spot
Mr Pierre Drion
Mr and Mrs Denis Escojido
Mr and Mrs Falkenstein
Mrs Cécile Florival
Mr and Mrs Gauthier
Mr and Mrs Baudouin Gillis
Mr and Mrs Philippe Godefroid
Mr and Mrs Freddy Goldberg
Mr and Mrs Mendel Goldstein
Mrs. Simone Gutman - Goldstein
Mrs Laurence Halet
Mr and Mrs Hancart
Mr. Didier Helleputte
Mr and Mrs Denis Hertoghe
Mrs Valentina Heynold- Kaplan
Mr Didier Houvenaghel
Mr and Mrs Hubin
Mrs Anne Jacobs Van Merlen
Mr and Mrs Afteb Jafferjee
Mr and Mrs Michel & Charlotte Katc
Mr and Mrs Paul and Gilda Kavvadias
Mr Alain Kirchenstein
Mr and Mrs Samuel Kohn
Mr Kolomenskiy
Mr and Mrs François Kumps
Mr and Mrs Llewelyn
Mrs Renée Lewkowicz
Mr and Mrs Elliot Levy
Mr Raph Lipski
Mr and Mrs Pierre et Béatrice Mahieu
Mr Alain Mallart
Mr Pierre-Antoine Malou
Mrs Carine Mancel
Mr and Mrs Martin - Prevel
Mrs Carole Mestdagh
Mrs Danielle Minkowski
Mr and Mrs Patrick Mauboussin
Mrs Florence Mulpas
Mr and Mrs Nicole & Henri Nasielski
Mr and Mrs Michel Niechcicki
Mr Egon Neugroschel
Mrs Nelly Pelc
Mr Hubert Penot
Mrs Astrid Pieron
Mrs Mimi Pollak
Mrs Daniele Popowski
Mrs Maïté Relecom Bordot
Mr and Mrs Xavier Roland
Mr and Mrs Rosenberg
Mr and Mrs Schwab
Mr and Mrs Bernard Steimes
Mr and Mrs Annie & Jacques Szwertag
Mr and Mrs Paul Taub
Mr Philippe Tob
Mrs Françoise Toby
Mrs Lucienne Toby
Mr Bruno Vandermeulen
Mr. Jean-Luc Vandenbossche
Mr Patrick Vanden Bergh
Mrs Françoise Verlant-Deben
Mr and Mrs Georges Yana
Mr and Mrs Daniel Walther
Mr and Mrs Warlop
Dr and Mrs Michael Wunnerlich
Mrs. Sandra Zaidenband - Goldbrenner
Mr and Mrs Marc and Anne Zahler-Blockx
Mr and Mrs Zaludowski
Mr and Mrs Zucker
And expresses its sincere gratitude to
Mr & Mrs Herman Van Rompuy
Prof. Dr. & Mrs Reinhard Bettzuege
Madame La Ministre Sophie Wilmes
Madame La Bourgmestre de Waterloo Florence Reuter
Madame l’Echevine de Waterloo Bernadette Raeymaekers
Mr le Président du Collège provincial du BW Tanguy Stuckens
Mr John Martin
Mr Mischa Maisky
Mrs Martha Argerich
Mr Pavel Gililov
Mr Fred Brouwers
Mr and Mrs Herman De Vleeschhouwer
Mrs Stephanie Petch
Mrs Harriet Gibson
Mrs Christine Roger
Mr Philippe Detry
Mrs Lauranne Lenoir
Mrs Christiane Luypaert
Mrs Marie-France Stenuit
Mr Christophe Maus
Mr Hans Vervenne
Mr Chris Maene
Mr Jan Vanderwegen
Mr and Mrs Christophe Gillain
Mr Kevin Coppens
Mr Bernard Meillat
Mrs Laetitia Huberti
Mrs Els T’seyen
Mrs Madeleine Ross-Breisdorff
Mr and Mrs Carlo Schreiber
Mr and Mrs Jean-Pierre Derue
​Mr and Mrs Jan & Kristina Engels
Mrs Monique Verschuren
Mr Dirk Haesevoets
Mr René Havaux
Mr & Mrs André Bailleux
Mrs Pagenstecher
Monsieur Serge Kubla
Mr José Hans
Mr Patrick du Bois
Mr Francis De Becker
Mr Paul Delva
Mr Thierry Guerts
Mr Christian Embourg
Mr Max Zimmermann
Mrs Caroline Van Boeckel
Mrs Aurore Vaucelle
Mrs Martine Deprez
Mrs Dominique Misson
Mr Jean-Marie Ginion
Mr Eric Lederhandler
Mr and Mrs Axel Vervoordt
Mrs Claudine Steenackers
Mrs Germaine Schraub
Mr Dimitri Van Der Linden
Mrs Francine Noskowicz-Goldblatt
Mr and Mrs Alain Przednowek
Mr and Mrs Pavel Moldavsky
Mr and Mrs Charly Kreins
Mrs Marie-Rose Heylenbosch
Mrs Myrina Leroux
Mrs Sara Montefiori
Mr Marc Leskens
Mr Jean Marc André
Mrs Marie-Paule Thill
Mr Xavier Flament
Mr and Mrs James Tannenbaum
Mr and Mrs Osterweil
Mrs Maryline Crescenzi
Mr and Mrs Willy Kostucki
Mrs Martine Leroy
Michel Cattelain Family
Mrs Myriam Vermylen
Mr and Mrs Jacky Barnea
Mr and Mrs Moti Goldman
Mrs Chantal Lauwers
Mr Philippe Dehennin
Mr & Mrs Werner Rothfuss
Mrs Kinder
Mr and Mrs Baudouin Van Cauwenberghe
Le Comte Jean-Jacques de Launoit
Mr Jacques Leduc
Mr Yannick Kalantarian